
  • Hello All Friends

    its time we had some change and more Charm in Game.

    First to Game forge(Admin)make sure they will read this.

    we spend time for Game, and anything we had we used in game, not in our life,more charm, more time for game, i leave the game for 3 years and now i come back without any change in game.

    I have some suggestion maybe you guys like it, if you think its good just like it.and if its bad

    Please state the disadvantages.

    **Underworld for dungeon**

    There should can be number of boss Dungeon for player higher 120 in Britannia.

    players for play in this section should spend Gate key for all attacks.

    This means there are no points attack at the beginning.

    so you need Getting Gate key in Negotium X , and first its need capture the boss in Negotium.

    for join this underworld you should pay some goods

    1: Easy:blue)

    2: Medium(purple)

    3: Hard(orange)

    after finished the underworld you can wear the event attire.

    and the effects

    1: %8 chance to get red items in Expedition(boss)

    2: -%10 forging goods.

    3: -%40 Resource cost for Workbench

  • suggestion for Inventory

    It will be possible sell inventory items and earn the coin.

    players able to buy other things.

    sale includes all items in inventory.

    in sale the actual price is reduced, for example if you want sell a Arena parchment or symbol of Duality you can

    sell and earn 30 coin and for buy it with coin you need 70 coin.

    sell is just possible you have active the pact(Seal Coins)

    Sales limit for each items(type) its means you just can sell 1 symbol of duality per week.

  • Hello Guys

    NEW Suggestion !!

    Please Look at the Previous suggestion and also say something or good or bad!or just like it.

    maybe some challenge Or quests Needed to add some interest to the game.

    *:Defeat the boss dungeon 10 times.


    *:Defeat each opponent once In Italy Or Africa Or Germania.


    *:Finished Quests 100 times.


    *:Open Treasury 7 times.


    *:Spend Rubies 5-10-15


    *:Forge a Item at your level.


    *:Smelt 20 Items


    *:Used the Gods Rank1-Rank2-Rank3


    *:Donate 1kk Gold To guild Bank.


    *:training your skills 2 times.


    *Loot Gold.


    *Finished Underworld Normal- Medium- Hard.


    *Defeat 100 opponent in Dungeon.


    *Defeat 100 opponent in Expedition


    *Defeat the boss dungeon In Negotium 3 times.


    *Buy 20 Items in Auction House.


    *Heal yourself in Villa Medici.


    *Used Usable 20 times.


    *Sell 5 Items in General Market.


    *Buy 5 Items in General Market.


    *Work 20 hours.


    This quests can be Weekly or monthly Also its possible for Daily quests (less mission).

    And for the Prize what do you think?

    there can be three level of Treasury Bronze- Silver -Gold.

    Bronze: 30 Random purple goods,// 3 Random Tools // Bonuses Active for 3 hours

    Silver: 30 Random Orange Goods.// 5 Random Tools // Bonuses Active for 5 hours

    Gold: 30 Random Red Goods.// 7 Random Tools // Bonuses Active for 7 hours


    Please write something about Bonuses option.

    Thank you:love:

  • Unknown prefixes

    Only their names are visible somewhere, but nothing else. When I find out at least the prefix level, it will be included in the above tables













    these coils. I would like to be included. Into the game. On this page