Mistranslations in PvE Values Section of Game Header

    • Screenshots: of tooltips of dungen points and expeditions points in Turkish and UK English for reference

    • Game version: 4.6.3-pl3
    • Point in the game where it appears: Game Header - PvE Values Section - Tooltips of Points

    • Exact text content that needs to be corrected: The text of the regeneration clock -> "Diğer nokta" (translates to "other dot")
    • What exactly should be changed: The English word "point" has 2 translations in Turkish; 1. "Puan" (Point, the value) 2. "Nokta" (Dot, the punctuation mark). However, unlike English "point" and "dot", the Turkish words are not synonymous. Also the word "next" translates to 1.Sonraki (the next one) 2. Gelecek (future) or 3. Sıradaki (the next one in line) in Turkish but "diğer" means "other".
    English (UK)
    Incorrect Translation
    Correct Translation
    Next point Diğer nokta Sonraki puan

    • Exact text content that needs to be corrected: The text of the regeneration detail in the tooltip of Expedition Points -> "Keşif Seferi Puanları'nın %0 daha hızlı yenilenmesi"
    • What exactly should be changed: There is no mistranslation here but regeneration details in the tooltips has different type of expressions.
      "0% quicker regeneration of expedition points" > "Keşif Seferi Puanları'nın %0 daha hızlı yenilenmesi" means the same as English text.
      "0% quicker regeneration of dungeon points" > "Zindan puanların %0 daha hızlı yenilenir" means "your dungeon points regenerates 0% quicker" which has a better and simpler type of translation and expedition points tooltip should be tranlated similar to that for homogeneity imho.

      And also caps are different in title and text of the two tooltips, like "Expeditions points" is "Keşif seferi puanı" in title and "Keşif Seferi Puanları" in text but on the other hand "Dungeon points" is "Zindan Puanı" in title but "Zindan puanları" in text.

    Here is my suggestion (Caps style are just my preference btw, i don't know if there is standart here for that):

    English (UK)
    Current Translation New Translation
    Dungeon points
    Zindan Puanı Zindan puanı
    0% quicker regeneration of expedition points Keşif Seferi Puanları'nın %0 daha hızlı yenilenmesi
    Keşif seferi puanların %0 daha hızlı yenilenir
    0% quicker regeneration of dungeon points Zindan puanların %0 daha hızlı yenilenir Zindan puanların %0 daha hızlı yenilenir
  • We've updated "Diğer nokta" to "Sonraki puan." I should go online with the next update.

    As for your other suggestion, we appreciate it greatly. However, the translations align with the German source text, and for consistency, we prefer not to make any changes.

    Thank you for your report :)