Ave Gladiators!
The first update for the Gladiatus Lobby will happen on Tuesday, 29.10.19, at around 13:00.
Changelog v2.5.0-pl2:
- [Change] New background image
- [Bugfix] "More Games" dropdown with wrong color
- [Bugfix] Several backend fixes
- [Bugfix] Background image scales with window size
- [Bugfix] Lobby font inconsistent
- [Bugfix] Backbutton on mobile with wrong color
- [Bugfix] Same size for links in every browsergame lobby
- [Bugfix] Shadow behind boxes in Gladiatus browsergame lobby
- [Bugfix] Green "Play" button for Gladiatus browsergame lobby
- [Bugfix] Show "Play" button as active if account line is hovered
Your Gladiatus Team