Best turma set for level 100~?

  • What’s the best way to go around the turma build around lev 100?

    I see the guy currently sitting on a 800k jackpot with a samnit healer, only 1,8k healing and sebas gear that doesn’t even make sense on a healer lol

    is it worth trying to max out strength with certain suffixes or is it higher damage to just go full antonius/gaius of asssination to max dexterity and damage on the attackers?

    Got any links to people with insane builds so I can see? Share that too please lol I wanna see

    also curious for best arena builds around level 100. My guild mate got a build that has 22k armour and 700 damage at lev 96…. Does anything even top that until mid 100s? What items should I be looking for in the future?
