Clicking problem

  • Good day mates!

    I am playing this game for over a month.

    I registered and came to x5 server. It is really funny and nice game for me. I get a lot of friends, guild, taliths. I get that people plays a long time that is nice. But.

    Starting from fun, I noticed that I need to do a lot of things every day. Funny expedition, funny dungeon little by little is coming to awful work, which my univer-sity friends would reject even if they get money for that. I am not an idiot to play year in this mode. I asked my ingame friends about it, they say it can be nothing to be done with that, maybe you should try slower servers.

    I agree. Starting new account at x2 server. It was very nice around to level 10. Then, to farm, I had to interrupt all my things every 5 minutes to do expedition or dungeon. After 6 hours of this "game" I set this account to be deleted. I Consider that only person with mental problems can play x2 even for week. I would not work this x2 "game" for money, it is silly.

    So I discovered that x2, x3 and lesser are invalid.

    Returning to my x5 server, I got that I can use hourglasses - those thing I used when I go walk or sleep with points to use them all.

    But there are dissonances.

    1) it is very expensive if to buy then every time, a lot of points.

    2) I am not used to pay for discomfort. I would like to pay for benefits or support. I would NOT like to be forced to pay just to avoid discomfort. This is blackmailing. I don't support this.

    Well another alternative - not to farm. Or do this 1-5 times a day few times. I tried. I stayed on the same place. Mates say I am almost inactive. I am not progressing. RPG sense of the game is lost for me.

    So I would like to return farming without clicking like idiot.

    Any suggestions for that?

    This issue has a high severity for me. Please help me.

  • Thats how the game is design to make money out of ppl who are using hourglasses. I guess, thats majority of their income

    There are no hourglasses for arenas, so u still gotta wait 1min anyway

    The game takes time, thats just how it is. If u dont wanna spend time on it just leave. This game is very time consuming

    Until lvl80 there's not a lot of discomfort. U rank up very fast. After that it slows down, so if u are bored before lvl80 than for sure u will be bored more later. Until lvl80 theres tons of stuff going on, especially with upgrading eq, u constantly have to check auctions for newest gear. Later on u just forge once in 2months

    Overall the game is a grind. U gotta make some goals to make it exciting. Otherwise I would quit long time ago

  • I've been playing for over 10 years on x1, there must be something wrong with me. I don't think I'll get 200lvl:/

    Without money there is no point in starting to play because it will be a waste of time. Even though there are no dungeons on high lvl you still have to pay for premiumX/

    Without a ruby, you can't get ingredients from the underworld. I could go on and on.....

  • Agreed with MBT, that's how the game is. I play on x1 server for over 8 years (with breaks) and when I tryed x5 I quit at level 90 and returned to my x1. Speed is a preference, you choose the one that best suits you.

    The game is very old and there is only so much they can do. The game has improved a lot but "browser" games in general are underwhelming compared to what is out there.

    This game is more of a strategy than a rpg, to me at least. This games takes planning, dedication and time.

    I must be one of the fiew to like the rubys in game. The game is free, something needs to make money.

    Bottom line, this is a clicking game. If you don't like clicking, you are not gona like the game :/