Posts by NoBodyKnowsMe


    ano, může ti v klidu padnout :) můžeš ho i prodat na globálním trhu (jenom neuvidíš, jestli ho už někdo nabízí) a dokonce pokud si ho dáš do skladu, tak ho budeš moct vybrat (dokud jsi veden jako vlastník) :)

    Hello everyone,

    I was thinking for some time what to do next after level 100. You unlock underground, defeat Dispater, wear costume and that's all. For bigger levels It's even imposible to defeat hardest underground. Maybe somebody will argue that there is a another location - Britain. But this location is only for expeditions and also It's same concept as Italy, Germany etc.

    What is my suggestion?

    Let's give players something new. Something as underground or smith/smelter years before.

    1- "Home of gladiator". Player would build his home from scratch into big mansion. He will need to invest gold, resources and time to make it better and after progressing

    It will give him bonuses such as:


    -able to craft wetstone/powder/protective gear/...

    -personal warehouse

    -"slaves" (passive praying, armor or weapon repair or hp regen)

    -animal shelter > where you would have different animals. Each animal will give you some effect in specific location, for example in Italy pet tiger will give you more honour from arena or expeditions

    I am sure you guys can think of many more and I believe this has such a big potencial.

    2-"Labyrint". In Britain instead of missing dungeon you will find a labyrint. Player after entering will have limited hp (same as underground) and the goal would be "Defeat as many enemies as you can".

    After defeating an enemy, player will have a option to "leave" or "continue"

    Leave > receive a reward equal to number of defeated enemies

    Continue > fight a next enemy

    If player dies during fighting an enemy, labyrint ends unsuccesfull and he receives a punishment (not like losing a stat as in underground... something like gold fine for entering)

    Minor updates:

    -Make a list of all scrolls in game.

    -Charakter planner in game (this could be an upgrade in "home of gladiator" > gear advisor)

    -Trader merchandise roll at will. (It will be an extra click for the players but probably everyone has lost an item because of the timer and then instant roll)

    Thank you for reading :)

    Hello Myllo,

    looks like you have a problem with stashing your gold.

    These attacks are coming because you are giving them so much money. Just think about it... only one click is giving them like 5 clicks worth of gold. They would be stupid not to take it :) I don't think It's targeting or bullying if you are giving them a reason

    There is simple solution... find some active players, join their gild and start saving gold via guild market with other players (1 wood/ring for 100k gold etc.). After some time you will have all your gold on your hand inside your consignment. And after some time people will stop attack you because they will not get any gold out of you.

    If you have any other questions please ask :)

    Have a nice day